Basics Steps to Salvation


The concept of God's love is foundational.

God's love is the motivating factor behind the plan of salvation. 

God's love is unconditional, selfless, and all-encompassing, extending to every individual.

We are encouraged to recognize and respond to this divine love.

Understanding God's love is crucial for a meaningful and transformative relationship with Him. 

Love is the central theme in the journey toward Christ and salvation.

We must recognize sin and the human need for a Savior. 

The reality of sin is a separation from God and a broken relationship with Him.

Sin is universal. Everyone falls short and needs redemption.

Acknowledging one's sinful condition as a crucial step toward seeking Christ for forgiveness and restoration.

We must understand the seriousness of sin, and recognize our dependence on Jesus Christ as the solution to the sin problem.

Repentance is an essential step in the process of salvation.

True repentance involves a heartfelt recognition and sorrow for sin, leading to a genuine turning away from sinful behaviors.

It is important to have a deep and sincere repentance as a response to God's love and grace.

We are to humbly confess their sins, seeking God's forgiveness and relying on the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. 

Repentance is a fundamental step in the journey toward reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ.

Confession is not only acknowledging the general state of sinfulness, but involves specific and personal acknowledgment of individual sins.

Sincere and humble confession is an essential step in the process of receiving forgiveness and cleansing through Christ. 

Openly and honestly bring their sins before God, recognizing the need for transparency and a contrite spirit. 

Confession is a vital aspect of the believer's relationship with God and an integral part of the journey to spiritual renewal.

After acknowledging and confessing sins, individuals should surrender their lives completely to God.

Yielding one's will to God's will and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in transforming the character is essential.

Submit every aspect of your life to God, including your thoughts, desires, and actions. 

Consecration is a continual process of commitment, where individuals choose to live in harmony with God's principles and follow the example of Jesus Christ in their daily lives.

Faith is the means by which individuals receive the promises of God and experience the transformative power of His grace.

 We must believe in the merits of Christ's sacrifice, and trust in His ability to save.

Have a simple and childlike faith, accepting Christ as your personal Savior and relying on His righteousness rather than your own merits.

 Faith is the key that unlocks the door to a right relationship with God and emphasizes the significance of accepting Christ's invitation to salvation.

Faith is demonstrated through actions.

True discipleship involves more than mere profession of faith; it requires a consistent and Christ-like lifestyle. 

We are to examine our lives in light of the teachings of Jesus, noting that obedience to God's commandments and a life of service are indicators of genuine discipleship. 

We are challenged to live in accordance with their professed faith and to allow the principles of God's kingdom to shape our character and conduct.